• MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Cats, as a species, are easily stressed by boarding. If your cat is not eating well on his own, we may try additional types of food (unless he is on a special diet), administer appetite stimulants and/or we may feed a high calorie diet by syringe. Doctor’s evaluations are not included in the fee for boarding. If it becomes necessary for a doctor to evaluate your cat's condition while boarding, an additional fee will be charged. Oral Medications $8.90 / per administration, Administration of SQ Fluids $77.00 / per administration, Syringe Feeding $31.50 / per feeding, Doctor’s Evaluation (If we haven’t examined your cat within past 12 months, or if he becomes ill while here.) $86.00.
  • Acknowledgement

  • * All Cats Hospital maintains a flea-free hospital. Your cat will be examined when admitted and if fleas or evidence of fleas are found, he will be treated at the owner’s expense. I, the undersigned owner or authorized agent, hereby consent and authorize All Cats Hospital, its veterinarians and agents to receive, care, and prescribe for the cat identified above. I understand that no guarantee has been made except reasonable precautions against injury or escape.
  • Reset signature Signature locked. Reset to sign again
  • (June 1 – Dec 1 Only – Sign Boarding Hurricane Waiver in addition to boarding release.)